Monday, April 13, 2009

Method Of Development (Analogy)

Job searching is like fishing; You can put your line in the water all day, but if the fish don't bite you'll still go home with nothing. As the fisheries become more congested with more and more fishermen going after the same or fewer fish, each fisherman's effort gets less productive. This being the exact same for job searching too, it becomes less productive when the job markets are more congested with many unemployed peoeple. Also you have to keep trying, you can't just had out one résumé and figure you've got a job, you need to keep trying and disperse them all over the place. By doing this you will have a lot better chance on getting a job, this goes for fishing aswell except with catching fish. If you only cast once you won't have a high chance of catching a fish, trying over and over will give you a lot better probability of having a good catch.

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