Sunday, February 8, 2009

Method of Development (Narrative)

Corresponding Essay: "April Fools on Polar Circus" by Janet Roddan

First of all, this essay is a very good example of good writing. It has one thesis/claim that is very specific. Throughout the essay all the paragraphs and points have to do with the thesis and this most definately helps for readers interest and understanding. The essay uses good descriptive words but does not use to many which is key. This essay was well written and planned carefully ensuring the purpose of the story was kept and the reader wasn't getting side-tracked by unimporting facts or details.

"April Fools on Polar Cirucs" is a narrative piece of writing and a good one at that. A narrative piece of writing is writing that goes from start to end. It is the chronological order of events that are telling a story told by someone. Roddan uses good description and order to make this a very successful narrative essay. Roddan talks about feelings she encounters and things she sees around her to really give us, the reader, images and emotions of what it was really like on the Polar Circus. Quotes taken from the essay that give us clear pictures and emotions are as follows:
"Climbing leads me into myself, through my hidden doors, into corners and attics. The doorway through fear always appears ominous, locked shut, insurmountable, impossible."
"Then on up to the knoll, where we look our from the dark, claustrophobic couloir to see sun on the peaks."
Through Roddan's narration she really makes the reader feel like they know exactly what it was like being there at that exact moment. Overall this is a good piece of writing and a very good narrative essay.

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